Word Not by might

Ruled by the SpiritWeb 3inhttps://canaaninthedesert.com/catalogue/

We would like to share a message that Mother Basilea gave to us Sisters.  “It was an historical occasion as Jesus’ disciples gathered in Jerusalem and the Holy Spirit came down. There appeared to them tongues like flames of fire dispersed among  them and resting on each one of them. An unforgettable moment. The cowardly, fearful disciples were transformed into fiery witnesses. The Holy Spirit distributed His gifts among them: the gift of faith, of performing miracles, of discerning spirits and other gifts as well (Acts 2:1-4). However, it is not enough to celebrate Pentecost as an historical event. We should be experiencing the reality of the Holy Spirit in our lives today. What a wonderful gift, what a tremendous joy…

     We need the reality of the Holy Spirit in our lives today more than ever before, for in our times without being equipped with the power of the Holy Spirit we are lost. Without the Holy Spirit, we will succumb to the satanic powers which are unleashed in the world, that race over the earth and draw increasingly more people under their dominion. However, when the Holy Spirit fills our hearts, we are not only armed for a spiritual battle but great things happen.”

     We want to greet you with Rom. 15:13 NKJV, “Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Holy Ghost, guiding me,
Highest praise is due to Thee
For Thy faithful leading;
Guiding me from stage to stage
Hearing ev’ry prayer for aid,
Ev’ry plea for guidance.

Holy Ghost, helping me,
Highest praise is due to Thee
For Thy watchful guiding.
When my way led through dark night
Then Thy counsel brought me light,
All my way illuming.

Holy Ghost, God and Lord,
May’st Thou be by all adored
For Thy guiding, loving.
What without Thee would I be?
So I thank Thee  fervently
From my heart for ever.


Click below to hear a 15 min. message by Mother Basilea:

The Secret of Those Empowered by the Holy Spirit

You can order it also as a CD click here