Fountain of the Father’s Goodness

God the Father’s heart has been revealed to us throughout Holy Scripture. We capture a first glimpse of this heart when, at Mount Sinai, God speaks to Moses about Himself and what He is like: “Compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth; who keeps lovingkindness for thousands.” Exodus 34:6+7a (NAS)

This holy revelation inspired Mother Basilea, our founder, to have a fountain built with the attributes of God inscribed around the edges. The cascading waters continuously proclaim God’s never ending love to us. (See Ex. 33:19 + 34:6+7) At each of the names of God you can find a spigot from which to drink.

Come, refresh yourself with a cup of water from the Fountain of the Father’s Goodness


God is a true Father, He promises His children, “I will rejoice in doing them good…” Jer.32:41 (NIV)


God is love and His heart is the source of all love. Who can express what God’s heart is like! No one calls upon this heart of the Father in vain.


God says of Himself, “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.” Jes.66:13 (NIV) If you are in suffering, I want to be your Comforter. If you are helpless, I want to be your Helper. If you are perplexed, I want to be your Advisor. Listen to His voice. Then your heart will become comforted.