My eyes have seen Your salvation
… a light to bring revelation
to the Gentiles, and the glory
of Your people Israel.
Luke 2:30,32 NKJ
Simeon was holding the Child Jesus in his arms when he made this utterance. He will have gazed upon the Child Jesus with immeasurable joy and love, greeting Him with reverence. True, he was holding only a small child in his arms, and yet — O wonder! — this Child is called “Mighty God” (Isaiah 9:6). Divine power dwells in Him, the power of light with which He would illumine all the nations of the world.
Christmas! — the festival of many lights, which are only a symbol for Jesus, the Child in the manger, who came down to this earth as the Light of the world. As it is written, it is the Light that shines particularly upon those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death (Luke 1:79). Jesus wants to come to us, who live in a world of ever-growing darkness and chaos. Countries are ravaged by terrorism, uprisings and wars. Today everyone lives more or less under great dangers as these forces run rampant.
Perhaps there is much sorrow and heartache in our family… Or perhaps we feel afraid and depressed at the thought of coming events, for dark clouds are gathering and judgment is threatening to descend upon the earth. But our hearts will undergo a total transformation if we take the Child Jesus into our arms, look at Him lovingly and say to Him:
“My Child Jesus, You have come as the Light. You are the Son of God, by whom all worlds were made. Will you not be able to illumine my heart, which is filled with darkness, and illumine all the darkness enveloping the world today? I believe You can, for You are Love. This love is stronger than all the hatred and killing going on in the world today.
“If only I can hold You in my arms, then I have the mightiest Lord with me; for, little Child, You are the Ruler of all worlds. You are the Mighty God and not only the Light. Oh, what can harm me! What shall I fear! Why should I be troubled if it is dark? — I have the Light with me! Why should I be troubled to know I’m sinful? — I’m holding the Savior, my Redeemer, in my arms, just as Simeon did! Why should I be troubled when fear and distress take hold of me? — I have a mighty Deliverer, who will come to my aid in every suffering that befalls me.”
And for the times to come we know that He will triumph as the Light. Though the world is growing ever darker now, though the satanic forces are gaining more and more ground and establishing their rule, we know that when it is midnight on earth Jesus will come as Lord and King and establish His dominion over all the kingdoms of the world. The entire earth will be immersed in light for ever when the City of God descends on the new earth, for Jesus is the Light of this city. And so we are filled with hope. (Taken from a Christmas letter by M.Basilea Schlink)
Dearest Child, You came to darkness,
Brought Your light to our night,
For the world is ripe for judgment,
Helpless in its woeful plight.
Yet Your radiance shines the brighter
Over our sinful misery,
And You lead mankind in triumph
Out of death to victory.