I want to Cons 23 v 1 bitmap tif
Lament for God’s deep heartache,
Throughout the world lament,
That all whose hearts are open
His pain will comprehend.
Destruction is impending,
Judgment as never before.
O call, O warn and rescue;
Listen to God, your Lord.
Taken from “I Want to Console You”
God is waiting for those who will share His anguish and grieve with Him, those who will bring Him comfort by confessing their sins and humbly submitting to His wrath. Unwittingly, they are living proof of His love, because they never lose confidence in the love of God. Pr Prep booklet 2inch for blog

“Watch and pray!”

Jesus in His great love for His disciples, sought to prepare them for the coming time of testing. In three predictions of His sufferings He indicated that the hour of His crucifixion was approaching. We know how the disciples reacted. It was as if they had not heard what their Lord and Master had said. Do we today hear His words about the end-time sufferings, which will entail a world-wide persecution of Christians. If only we would realize how imminent the hour of trials is and not shut our eyes to the facts! Today God is waiting for our prayer of faith. He has promised to answer prayer, and His name is Yes and Amen. In our prayer times today we receive what we need for tomorrow−a trusting spirit and the courage to endure suffering and to stand up for our faith. When David and other Old Testament men of prayer were faced with desperate, perilous situations they praised God’s love and worshiped Him, the great and almighty God, the Protector, who holds out His hand to shield us when the enemy attacks. Let us trustingly and boldly follow their example.Ps Though I walk throughText and music by M.Basilea Schlink