We would like to share an excerpt from Mother Basilea’s booklet: ‘Joy Comes in the Morning’.
On the road from Jerusalem to Emmaus, Jesus met the dejected disciples, who thought He lay buried in the grave. They were permitted to complete their journey at His side and in the end to recognize Him. Emmaus proclaims that Jesus draws close to those who have buried their hopes and can no longer understand God in their darkest hour. These are the souls He seeks out. He hears the sighing of their hearts and shares their sorrows. He listens to their cry of ‘Why? Why?’…
Emmaus declares: The One with the answer to all your questions is here. He is right beside you and wants to shed light upon your darkness, because He is love and takes your pain to heart. He can’t bear to see you in such inner turmoil… Jesus who once approached His troubled, burdened disciples, draws near to us today. For us, too, He has an ‘Emmaus’, a time of encounter, a time for answers in store.
In an Emmaus encounter Jesus says to those who belong to Him: ‘Don’t imagine that all is lost when you meet with suffering and nothing seems to make sense and you cannot understand God’s ways. If only you would believe that out of every dying process comes a new beginning and new life… Jesus Himself is testimony to the truth that from death comes life, from suffering and dying comes overwhelming victory. This is the message He proclaimed. By going to Calvary, He became the risen Prince of Victory, before whom every knee one day will bow.