God Does Miracles!

December 1

God is at work in our world. Yes, today too. He still manifests Himself as the God who can melt mountains and accomplish the impossible. Do you long to experience His power in your life and to be able to testify, “Yes, I know that God can work miracles today?”

An Undivided Heart

December 2

God longs to receive our love. In exchange, He offers us His own love, which is richer, deeper and more intimate than any human love. What does it mean to love Him who is the Source of all love?

Redeemed to Give

December 3

Just as a great musician is honored when he plays beautifully in spite of a bad instrument, so God is glorified when He can demonstrate His redemptive power on our bad character traits. Yes, it is His joy to create something new and beautiful out of the most hopeless cases! Today’s program by Basilea Schlink called, REDEEMED TO GIVE will be sharing with us some helpful advice for all who have trouble with selfishness.

To Follow The Lamb

December 4

Whoever completely surrenders his life to the Lord Jesus will experience surprises daily, because God can change everything. Yes, He can transform everything, even turn loss into gain.

To Give Thanks Means to Receive

December 5

Don’t we often fall into temptation because we experience so little of God’s power in our lives? Our prayers seem impotent and powerless. Or, perhaps you have never experienced His reality but you wish that you could.

There’s The Mistake

December 6

God is truly the great Physician who can heal our bodies and souls. But isn’t it usually true that a doctor makes a diagnosis before he actually begins to treat a patient? That is why God is especially concerned about showing us what is in our hearts, where the infection lies and what it is that causes our souls to become sick. God loves us and He wants to heal and redeem us, to make us into truly happy people.

God’s Love Will Fill The Emptiness

December 7

God is truly a Father of comfort, as He calls to us, His children, through the pages of the Bible saying, “As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you.” (Isaiah 66:13). Especially those who are grieving over the loss of a loved one can and should experience this wonderful reality.

Do You Really Love Jesus?

December 8

God is searching for people who will love and honor Him, who will glorify Him in their everyday lives. Do you love Him? This was the question Jesus asked Peter when He met him on the shores of Galilee. And this is still the crucial question for us today.


December 9

God lives and works today! And the greatest of His deeds are the ones He does in the hearts of men! Do you suffer because of your own personality traits, your selfishness, your envy or your moodiness? Then this program by Basilea Schlink is just for you! In it we will be hearing how someone found the way to a truly different life.

The Weapon of The Name of Jesus

December 10

It doesn’t matter whether we are rich or poor, strong or weak, courageous or timid. The power of God is available for us in all of our needs and problems! As Lord of lords and King of kings, He never leaves His children without help and protection, without a weapon for the hours of temptation.

To Love Jesus Means to be Able to do Everything!

December 11

God lives and works today! – not as a far away unapproachable deity, but as Someone who is near to us, who cares about us and who is eternal Love. Yes, because God is love, He longs for us to respond to His love by Giving Him our love in return – then He can shower us with His joy, peace and divine strength. But how can we find this love for God?

God Answers Earnest Prayers

December 12

God lives and works today! Would you like to experience His reality in Your everyday life? Do you wish that God would answer your prayers so that you too could testify that God lives and works today? This program tells how you can actually experience His intervention, for it gives an answer to the very important question, “When does God answer prayer?”

When God Fights for Us

December 13

God lives and works today! We see this in many different ways in our lives, but especially in the fact that He fights for His children and stands up for them whenever they have been treated unjustly. He will defend us – but under a certain condition, as today’s testimony from Basilea Schlink will explain.

The Pointer on The Scales

December 14

It remains true no matter how many voices rise to claim otherwise, God lives! But who can stand against all the voices of hatred and mockery in our world today? Only he who has actually experienced personally the reality of God.

I Am Waiting for You

December 15

God lives and works today! In His love He longs to share Himself completely with us, to live within us. This brings Him and us the greatest joy imaginable, and it’s the way to a really happy life. But when and how can God draw near to us and dwell completely in our hearts? Listen.

How Not to Worry

December 16

Perhaps you know as a fact that God lives. And yet, don’t most of us also know about times when it’s not so easy to believe, when mountains of worries pile up on top of us. In such situations, is there anything that can really help us out?


December 17

God lives and works today! Whoever has really discovered His reality and has experienced God’s fatherly care in his life, is consumed by one thought: “How can I thank God?


December 18

People who would normally only be interested in living their own lives and in seeking their own advantage are suddenly transformed, set on fire with love for Jesus. They are consumed by the desire to live for Him completely with body, soul and spirit, even if it involves suffering.


December 19

God lives and works today. In His love He wants to have us near Him, to help us and comfort us, and to open His heart to us. He alone can satisfy our deepest longings, This is why He goes after us, searching us out and drawing us back to Himself.


December 20

When we really love a person we enjoy being with him. We look forward to his visits and we do everything we can to prepare for his coming. In the same way, we need to make ready for Christ’s coming at Christmas time.


December 21

God lives and works today! This Christmas, God wants to draw near to us with the greatest of all Christmas gifts. What is this gift and how can we receive it?


December 22

God lives and works today! He is a true father who loves His children more than anything else in the world. But what kind of response does He receive from us? The same response that His Son, the Child in the manger, receives. He is rejected.


December 23

Unto us a Child is born… yes, unto you, and unto me. In the Child in the manger God’s fatherly heart has been opened up to us as never before. He is Love, pure Love, real and undeceptive. This love wants to make us rich and happy, especially at Christmas time.


December 24

God lives and works today! This Christmas our hearts need not remain poor and empty. The joy and happiness of Christmas need not disappear when the last decorations are taken down and the bills start coming in. He is truly all powerful and He promises His power and His gifts to those who love Him.


December 25

His message to us this Christmas is a message of joy and deliverance – Christ, the Savior is born! Yes, the Savior has come for you and for me, the Savior who can save us from sins, addictions, misery, despair and confusion.


December 26

WE HAVE A SAVIOR! What joy these words should bring to our hearts! Christmas shows us the proof of God’s love.. The Child in the manger is proof that He sent His only Son Jesus Christ to be our Savior! Each one of us can experience the joyful reality of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


December 27

He wants to show Himself as the God who does wonders, especially in the lives of those who belong to Him. However, He can only do this under one condition. It has to do with a very special Christmas secret.


December 28

In our small lives God answers prayers and performs miracles, transforming hearts and lives. He does intervene. God can even make impatient people patient – which is so very important for us all!


December 29

Perhaps we know in our minds that God is a father, but do we actually know Him as our Father? Think how a loving earthly father would react if his child were hurt or troubled. Do we experience God’s fatherly care even in the small matters of daily life?


December 30

God lives and works today! God says in Jeremiah 29, “I know the plans I have for you…plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Behind every event in our lives stands His great and perfect will.


December 31

As we face the New Year, we really ought to stop for a minute and take stock of what has happened in the past year. In view of all that has happened to us and around us, one question is of utmost importance! What is this question?