God Does Miracles!

December 1

God is at work in our world. Yes, today too. He still manifests Himself as the God who can melt mountains and accomplish the impossible. Do you long to experience His power in your life and to be able to testify, “Yes, I know that God can work miracles today?”

An Undivided Heart

December 2

God longs to receive our love. In exchange, He offers us His own love, which is richer, deeper and more intimate than any human love. What does it mean to love Him who is the Source of all love?

Redeemed to Give

December 3

Just as a great musician is honored when he plays beautifully in spite of a bad instrument, so God is glorified when He can demonstrate His redemptive power on our bad character traits. Yes, it is His joy to create something new and beautiful out of the most hopeless cases! Today’s program by Basilea Schlink called, REDEEMED TO GIVE will be sharing with us some helpful advice for all who have trouble with selfishness.

To Follow The Lamb

December 4

Whoever completely surrenders his life to the Lord Jesus will experience surprises daily, because God can change everything. Yes, He can transform everything, even turn loss into gain.

To Give Thanks Means to Receive

December 5

Don’t we often fall into temptation because we experience so little of God’s power in our lives? Our prayers seem impotent and powerless. Or, perhaps you have never experienced His reality but you wish that you could.

There’s The Mistake

December 6

God is truly the great Physician who can heal our bodies and souls. But isn’t it usually true that a doctor makes a diagnosis before he actually begins to treat a patient? That is why God is especially concerned about showing us what is in our hearts, where the infection lies and what it is that causes our souls to become sick. God loves us and He wants to heal and redeem us, to make us into truly happy people.

God’s Love Will Fill The Emptiness

December 7

God is truly a Father of comfort, as He calls to us, His children, through the pages of the Bible saying, “As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you.” (Isaiah 66:13). Especially those who are grieving over the loss of a loved one can and should experience this wonderful reality.

Do You Really Love Jesus?

December 8

God is searching for people who will love and honor Him, who will glorify Him in their everyday lives. Do you love Him? This was the question Jesus asked Peter when He met him on the shores of Galilee. And this is still the crucial question for us today.


December 9

God lives and works today! And the greatest of His deeds are the ones He does in the hearts of men! Do you suffer because of your own personality traits, your selfishness, your envy or your moodiness? Then this program by Basilea Schlink is just for you! In it we will be hearing how someone found the way to a truly different life.