Mother Basilea shares in The Holy Land Today,
“Like the rush of a mighty wind the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Godhead, comes down to earth…he seeks out specific people, the disciples, a handful of miserable failures, who had lost faith and deserted their Lord during His Passion, for in the poor and needy He can demonstrate His power as Creator Spirit… He imbues despondent and fearful hearts with courage and power to witness. He accomplishes great transformations in the hearts of men.
In Acts 4:31 we read that when the company of believers were assembled in prayer the place was shaken. But what must it have been like when the Holy Spirit Himself descended upon the heads of the disciples, imparting to them fervent love and the courage to suffer, setting them wholly on fire for God and His kingdom. Is it surprising then that the disciples appeared to be intoxicated with the Holy Spirit? The mighty, rushing wind of he Holy Spirit seized them so powerfully that they probably rejoiced and wept at the same time. And being filled with the fullness of God, they were moved to speak in other tongues.
Something of the very nature of God was imparted to their hearts by the Holy Spirit. They were set ablaze with the love of God, a consuming ardour that could no longer be expressed in the tongues of men. Fire was cast into their hearts by the Holy Spirit, setting them aflame with a fervent love for God, which constrained them to tell everyone about Jesus, regardless of the cost…
O Holy Ghost, we magnify
Your power so full and great,
You come from God’s own throne on high,
all life to recreate.
O Holy Ghost, our praise receive
for You sweet grace impart,
to mourn our sins so earnestly
and so console God’s heart.
Spirit of Faith, O Holy Ghost,
we worship, praise and laud;
through You God’s glory we behold,
the wondrous deeds of God.
O Holy Ghost, we bring You praise,
You show to everyone
the Father’s glory and His praise,
the radiance of the Son.
To You the highest praise shall rise,
O pure and humble Dove,
who ever seeks to turn our eyes
to God the Father’s love.
Today the Holy Spirit still comes down upon wretched, needy souls if with one accord they devote themselves to prayer, claiming in faith God’s promises for the Spirit’s coming… Today He transforms people and pours into their hearts the ardor of divine love. As the Spirit of joy He fills the hearts of men today with joy, laughter and singing. Today He unites divided members of the Body of Christ in love of God. Today He bestows His blessings and gifts… He continues to work tirelessly in our hard hearts to remold us into the image of God. Now He is also waiting today for us to say, ‘I believe in the Holy Spirit’, and to reach out for Him with believing, imploring hearts, for Jesus has said, ‘If I go, I will send him [the Holy Spirit] to you’ (John 1:6,7)
Today, when Jesus’ second coming is on the threshold, surely He yearns all the more to grant the members of His Body a new experience of Pentecost…
In the present day and age there is nothing we need as much as the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
Invite the Holy Spirit into your life. The book Ruled by the Spirit will be a tremendous help to experience His power and His gifts.
Click to listen: A Promise for this Day and Age